11. Setting a Request Header
The XHR method to include a header with the request is setRequestHeader. So the full code needs to be:
const searchedForText = 'hippos';
const unsplashRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
unsplashRequest.open('GET', `https://api.unsplash.com/search/photos?page=1&query=${searchedForText}`);
unsplashRequest.onload = addImage;
unsplashRequest.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Client-ID <your-client-id>');
function addImage(){
Adding the image
Since the New York Times doesn't require a specific header, we don't need to do anything special. We'll set its onload
property to the function addArticles
that we'll flesh out in a minute:
function addArticles () {}
const articleRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
articleRequest.onload = addArticles;
articleRequest.open('GET', `http://api.nytimes.com/svc/search/v2/articlesearch.json?q=${searchedForText}&api-key=<your-API-key-goes-here>`);
Make sure to fill in the URL above with the API key you received in an email from the New York Times after signing up as a developer.
Adding The Articles
Task Description:
Similar to how we added the Unsplash image to the page. See if you can add all of the New York Times articles to the page. When you''re done, check the box to continue.
Task Feedback:
Great! Take a look at the video below where I code the solution.
Adding The Articles Solution